Saturday, April 17, 2004

Conference wrap-up

Hello all! This will be my conference wrap up. Unfortunately I didn't get to blog as much as I had wanted to from T-town. Mainly because blogging with a 28.8 connection is (to say the least) painful. So I am finally home and have commandeered the home computer so as to wrap things up.

Poster Sessions. I can't speak for all the poster presenters but I think it went pretty well. I greatly enjoyed talking with everyone about how blogging can be used by libraries to enhance service to patrons and to encourage discussion between peers. If you missed seeing my poster and would like to see it contact me and I would be happy to email you a copy of it. I will say to the powers that be for next year though, Please oh great and powerful OLA Conference Planning Committee Members, find it in your hearts to make more room available to display and view the posters. At times there were people stacked 3 deep to view the posters and people where backed up into vendors' booths trying to get a peek and hear what the presenters were saying about their posters. **OH! Words of advice for future poster presenters: 1) Bring handout copies of your poster to pass out to interested parties 2) Bring a lot of your business cards to handout [I didn't bring enough] 3) Engage the people walking by your poster--they are there because they are curious--but you know how some librarians are...too shy to initiate the conversation 4) And when doing a poster on Blogging be careful what jokes you use [Q. What's a blog? A. Well, you know that swampy area in your backyard that doesn't drain all that well? Oh wait no that's a bog.]

Thursday Night All Conference Party. With a lu'au atmosphere everyone was in great spirits--even the unsuspecting EBSCO representatives--but I get ahead of myself. As I walked in the door of the banquet room I was greeted by the sounds of Elvis singing Blue Hawaii and made my way past the OASLMS basket auction. There are always great things to bid on and this year there were several different themed baskets. The money from the auction goes to a scholarship fund (which is a wonderful cause). I'm not sure what the finally tally was on the auction--maybe someone can post the final amount to the comments section below.
At our tables we all had a little package that contained a piece of black ribbon and Kukui nut (candlenut). Everyone was instructed on how to make a lai out of it and even the gentlemen present looked excited to be making jewelry. Although some couldn't figure out the needle and thread and opted to use their chicken skewers to push the ribbon through the Kukui. ;-)
So what about the EBSCO reps? Well not to embarrass the unknowing innocent (but I hear there are photos out there of the event) the EBSCO folks along with a couple of other volunteers were brought up on stage and entertained everyone with a wonderful Hawaiian Hula. (If you have photos please send me one!) So in short--a fun time was had by all!

Friday. Always a busy wrap up day I went to a couple of sessions, finally talked to a couple of vendors I had been trying to get one on one, and helped out at the Read Y'all booth. OH! I almost forgot about the new Read Y'all posters! You may remember that last year's poster featured Governor and Mrs. Henry--well this year features the 2004 Oklahoman of the Year stretching out on a leather couch and giving the camera a pouty lip and "come hither and read with me eyes"--Can you guess? Well, it's Toby Keith! Anyone who knows me can guess I'm not really a person who listens to Toby Keith--but this poster is brilliantly done and accomplishes what it is meant to do--which is to reach out to groups that traditionally don't use the library by showing that people they admire support libraries. If you want to see one of these posters visit your local library--or your local librarian's house because I think a few of these posters may end up in a bedroom or two. ;-)

One last word--The Conference was informational and fun. I enjoyed seeing people I hadn't seen since last year and exchanging ideas and library stories. I also want to say a big THANK YOU! to all of you who stopped me and told me you enjoy this blog. Also, if you have a session that you feel didn't get enough notice EMAIL ME! I would love to blog about it. Or you can use the comments section below and say it in your own words. I think we all attended "AH HA!" sessions and it would be great to share them.

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