Tuesday, May 25, 2004

CBLDF - Press Releases: New Censorship Bill Turns Parents into Prosecutors

From the Comic Book Legal Defense FundCBLDF - May 18, 2004 Press Release: New Censorship Bill Turns Parents into Prosecutors: "On April 28, California Congressman Duncan Hunter (R) introduced legislation that could 'turn parents into prosecuting attorneys fighting a wave of obscenity,' the representative told Family.org.

H.B. 4239, also called the 'Parents' Empowerment Act,' would allow the parent or guardian of a minor to sue in federal court anyone who knowingly disseminates any media containing 'material that is harmful to minors' if the material is distributed in a way that 'a reasonable person can expect a substantial number of minors to be exposed to the material and the minor, as a result to exposure to the material, is likely to suffer personal or emotional injury or injury to mental or moral welfare.' The bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

The bill allows compensatory damages starting at no less than $10,000 for any instance in which a minor is exposed to 'harmful to minors' entertainment products... The bill also seeks to strengthen the current test courts utilize in determining what is obscene material by providing a separate definition of obscenity specifically for children...."

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