Monday, May 10, 2004

Digital blood feud ||

There are key individuals in today's cyber-age that will help shape the future of librarianship--even though they don't realize it. Here is an article on one such individual. Enjoy. Digital blood feud || "Lessig surveys the battlefield in 'Free Culture'
When future generations of search bots look back at this unsettled era in which we're transitioning from an analog to a digital society, they may be impressed most by the works of Lawrence Lessig.
In his first book, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, dark forces were gathering, conspiring to use code as a form of privatized law to hem in the Internet and the potential of the digital revolution. Readers learned that the Net, far from impervious, could be tamed by rewiring its architecture. The premise seems obvious now, but only because Lessig's 1999 ground-breaker connected the dots for us and set the scene for the struggles to follow. "

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