Monday, June 14, 2004

Managing Information News: ACRL Award Opportunity

Managing Information News: "The Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is offering a one-time Best Practices in Marketing Academic and Research Libraries Award to be presented at the ACRL National Conference in Minneapolis in April 2005.

Sponsored by the ACRL Marketing Academic and Research Libraries Committee and funded through the ACRL Friends Fund Committee, the award will be given to the academic/research library that demonstrates an outstanding best practices marketing program. Programs must have been in place for one year and selection will be based on the most complete documentation.

A $2,000 award will be presented for first place and a $1,000 award will be given for second place. Portfolios are due October 29, 2004. For more details, visit the Awards section of the ACRL Website at"

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