Elaina's entry shows that regardless of age or background our field has terrific leaders waiting for the opportunity to shine. It also demonstrates why it is vitally important for us to spot leadership potential early and to cultivate the skills and desire they have to lead, before life's way requires them to move along.
Here are some excerpts from her most excellent entry:
I was a 'late bloomer' in the library world and have often wished that my career had begun when my love for reading surfaced as a pre-teen and young adult...In the years that followed, the world of professionalism opened up to me when I became involved with the Oklahoma Library Association and saw the possibilities and the accomplishments of my fellow librarians. When I became an academic librarian, my world changed again, and I began to 'present' at conferences and meetings. It was difficult, at first, to convince myself that any knowledge I possessed would be of use to others. But, something clicked, and I became involved in the inner workings of library systems and software and my limited knowledge began to increase as did my skills and confidence. In the recent years, I have continued to present at state and regional conferences and learned 'a trick or two'. My biggest regret is that age, (57), and career length, will limit my future library experiences. There is so much to be accomplished and so little time!! If you are a young or mature person considering a career in library science and technology, don't hesitate, jump right in and become involved with the brightest and best of life styles and service oriented careers. Once you have tasted Library, you won't be satisfied with a future that doesn't involve the library world and you will find the potential to be a leader is unlimited.
So a big Thank You to Elaina and all the other Stepford Librarians out there. We owe a lot to you and your desire to make all the peoples of the world bibliophiles.
I couldn't be prouder!
the Stepford-librarian's husband...
:-) we are pretty proud of her too!
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