Friday, August 06, 2004

United Press International: PoliSci: House acts on research access

United Press International: PoliSci: House acts on research access: "Anger over limits on access to research results, due largely to high publication prices, has risen to the point a federal backlash is brewing.

Congress is moving to force a shift to 'open access,' a form of free-to-consumer publishing, for scientific papers. The move angers commercial publishers, who see their livelihoods threatened, and scares scientific societies, who are afraid they will face revenue losses or new costs they cannot afford. Even librarians, who pushed for the move, are cautious, because they are concerned for the health of the scientific societies.

The accumulation of price increases appears to be what has angered Congress -- that and the fact federal dollars support much of the research written about in the papers.

"Taxpayers not only have to pay for the research, they have to pay to read it," said Micah Swafford, spokesman for Congressman Ernest Istook Jr., R-Okla."

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