Sunday, September 26, 2004

CBS News | GOP: 'Liberals' Will Ban Bible | September 24, 2004�20:49:43

Found this via Metafilter. Looks like the RNC is celebrating Banned Book Week in their own special way....How is your library celebrating it? CBS News | GOP: 'Liberals' Will Ban Bible | September 24, 2004| 20:49:43:
Campaign literature mailed by the Republican National Committee warns voters in two states that the Bible will be prohibited and men will marry men if 'liberals' win in November.

The New York Times reported that the mass mailing was sent to voters in Arkansas and West Virginia, and was part of a GOP effort to mobilize religious voters.

The literature shows a Bible with the word 'BANNED' across it and a photo of a man, on his knees, placing a ring on the hand of another man with the word 'ALLOWED.' The mailing tells West Virginians to 'vote Republican to protect our families' and defeat the 'liberal agenda.'

If anyone has family or friends in either of these states, that receive mailings from the RNC, I would be very interested to know if this is true.

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