Wednesday, September 08, 2004

With a state law in hand, many Oklahoma schools are framing America's motto

*This article is entitled "With a state law in hand, many Oklahoma schools are framing America's motto" -- Just a little FYI: the oldest (and still existing) American motto was not "In God We Trust" but rather "E Pluribus Unum" (which means "Out of Many, One" referring to the 13 original colonies becoming one nation). "In God We Trust" was added as a 2nd motto in the 20th Century. | Powered by The Oklahoman and NEWS 9
Calling it the "cornerstone of being an American," a McAlester lawmaker this year returned the words "In God We Trust" to thousands of public school classrooms.

The Legislature passed HB 2477 authorizing school districts to display the national motto in classrooms and hallways, a the discretion of administrators and teachers. Gov. Brad Henry signed the bill in May, and it took effect July 1.
The law allows the motto to be displayed in any school room considered a "teaching area," such as a library, gymnasium or cafeteria.
The Oklahoman called several schools across the state and found most already had the motto on display, including the Guthrie, Battiest, Davis, Roff, Antlers, and Leedey districts.

Michael Salem, volunteer attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, called the displays "unconstitutional," although the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals approved the motto's display in public places.

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