Tuesday, October 12, 2004

All of OCLC's WorldCat Heading Toward the Open Web

So my question is why should libraries pay dues/fees to search OCLC when everyone else in the world can do it for free? Do you have an answer?

All of OCLC's WorldCat Heading Toward the Open Web: "Excited by the resounding success of the Open WorldCat pilot program, the management of OCLC, the world's largest library vendor, has decided to open the entire collection of 53.3 million items connected to 928.6 million library holdings for harvesting by Google and Yahoo! Search. A letter from Jay Jordan, president and CEO of OCLC, went out to members on Oct. 8. Currently, the Open WorldCat subset database contains about 2 million records, all items held by 100 or more academic, public, or school libraries--some 12,000 libraries all told. The new upgraded Open WorldCat program will automatically include all of the 15,000-plus OCLC libraries that contribute ownership information (holdings) to WorldCat, unless the library asks to have its holdings excluded. In January 2005, Open WorldCat will officially graduate from a pilot program to a permanent ongoing program; however, the database will be open for harvesting to Google and Yahoo! Search as early as late November 2004. During a transition period extending through June 2005, all libraries with holdings in WorldCat will participate in the Web search engine referrals. "

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