Friday, October 22, 2004 Libraries Aren't Boring to Sony [Motley Fool Take] October 21, 2004

There's a really good chance that your local public library has all of these, and so many more, movies already available for free check-out. Glad to see Sony finally jumped on the band wagon. ;-) Libraries Aren't Boring to Sony [Motley Fool Take] October 21, 2004: "The James Bond series. The Pink Panther series. The Rocky series. The Wizard of Oz. Dances With Wolves. Doctor Zhivago. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Great Escape. Annie Hall. These are just a few of the 4,100 titles that line the shelves of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's film library. There's another 10,000 television episodes stuffed in the lion's lair as well.

The venerable feline and his booty were caged last month by rival Sony, which ponied up $300 million as part of a multipartner deal to buy the studio. That means that Sony now has control of this enormous library, and that means good things to come for the communications conglomerate."

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