Saturday, May 14, 2005

Okiedoke - Vintage Okie opinion :: Segregating books

Lots of hot discussion over at Okiedokie on this one.

Okiedoke - Vintage Okie opinion :: Segregating books: "Can’t ever remember having a problem with a librarian. But some library officials seem to be overly defensive about this resolution passed by state lawmakers.

House Resolution 1039, by State Rep. Sally Kern, calls on Oklahoma libraries to “confine homosexually themed books and other age-inappropriate material to areas exclusively for adult access and distribution.”
“We’re not looking to ban any books,” Kern said. “We just think the books should be easily identifiable to parents who may not want a child to read those materials.”

However, library officials have indicated they will not cooperate with parents’ requests.

Now I’ve re-read this and thought about it for a while. It’s slightly perplexing. I’m the type of guy who thinks government should censor very little creativity, especially written materials. I feel parents have the responsibility to censor their own kids: turn off the TV when necessary, check on what video games they buy, know what websites they visit. But who should be responsible for censoring library books in the children’s section? Librarians? The community? Legislators?"

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