Monday, June 13, 2005

Faerie Wars Game

FAERIE WARS GAME: A game/book tie in--just in time for the Oklahoma Summer Read theme! Herbie Brennan has written two books in his Faerie Wars series so far (the second one being the Purple Emperor). Written for teens, as an adult, I found these books to be well written brain candy and I'm eagerly awaiting the third book. But until then I guess I will just have to waste time playing the Faerie Wars Game!

"A Kitten wrangler, just started work at the Chalkhill and Brimstone Miracle Glue factory, has turned up for his first day a little late.

Unfortunately, eveyone is now hard at work and he must negotiate the mined cobblestone courtyard alone. If only he'd paid more attention in his psychic ability class in school. Who'd ever have thought you'd need it in the real world?

The wrangler can sense how many mines are around him, but can't tell which cobblestones they’re under. You must use your judgment to guide him. But have him step on the wrong stone and BLAM, you can change his name to Hoppy."

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