Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wholphin | DVD Magazine of Unseen Things

Wholphin | DVD Magazine of Unseen Things
Wholphin is a new quarterly DVD magazine from McSweeney's, lovingly encoded with unique and ponderable films designed to make you feel the way we felt when we learned that dolphins and whales sometimes, you know, do it.

Available immediately by subscription and distributed quarterly in the same places you'll find McSweeney's and The Believer, each issue of Wholphin will contain a variety of extraordinary short films, docs, instructional videos, foreign sitcoms, and other cinema hybrids that deserve to be seen on very expensive televisions.

The debut issue of Wholphin — which is being given away free with issues of The Believer and McSweeney's in December and January — includes Spike Jonze's revealing, and never publicly screened, portrait of Al Gore made during the election campaign of 1999, an excerpt of David O. Russell's controversial film on U.S. soldiers in Iraq, Miguel Arteta and Miranda July's beautiful short "Are You The Favorite Person Of Anybody?" David Byrne makes a sudden and unexplained appearance, a bewildered Selma Blair has an eventful visit to the gynecologist, a Turkish sitcom is re-subtitled by several notable writers, there's some rare 1970s Iranian animation which was sneaked out of the country and a Dutch artist sings classic rock backwards. Wholphin, much like its literary counterparts, seeks to act as a curator, bringing together some truly unique and unusual gems and releasing them in one delightful, well-crafted and appealing package. Wholphin will bring the beautiful, strange and unseen to light. Future issues will likely include short films by The Daily Show writers, footage of remote controlled headless zombie flies, and something special from Tajikstan.

The 2nd issue of Wholphin will be on sale in March 2006. Be sure to check back with us for more information.

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