Friday, March 17, 2006

Bill forces local libraries to move sexually explicit, gay materials

Muskogee Phoenix - - Muskogee, OK: "Marilyn Hinshaw, executive director of the Eastern Oklahoma District Library System, said the bill started when Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, was responding to complaints from local parents.

Hinshaw said the Metropolitan Library System, which is located in Oklahoma City and its suburbs, had an agreement in place to put books for young adults with mature themes on a parenting shelf.

“Oklahoma City agreed to do that,” Hinshaw said. “We thought it was all resolved. We don’t have a clue why she thought it was a problem in the rest of the state.”


Hinshaw said the effect of the legislation would create a censorship board.

“(The legislation) will make it necessary for a group of folks to go to Oklahoma City and go through every passage in the published material,” she said."

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