Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Collegian Online: Illegal downloading is illegal!

The Collegian Online: Illegal downloading is illegal!: "Most students do not know about the strict computer policy here on campus, but ignorance will not serve as an excuse.

Downloading copyrighted material is illegal, including at The University of Tulsa.

According to the university website, copyrighted material includes music, movies and software.

The university is contacted by third-party sources, which independently monitor computer activity, when illegal downloading occurs.

TU officials receive an e-mail that an illegal download has been made on the university network and are left to figure out who and where.

Tricia Moreland, the director of networking services for TU, said that part of her job is finding out who made the illegal download and send the culprit an e-mail as a warning that an illegal download has been made and the problem must be corrected.

Moreland says that students are sometimes unaware that they have even downloaded something illegal, in which case she refers them to the help desk in McFarlin Library to correct the problem and to prevent it from happening again.
The help desk assists students in locating the material on their computer, helps them understand the definition of “copyrighted material” and explains the different ways that prohibited material might make its way onto their computer.
Help desk staff also give students general tips on how to prevent further illegal downloading such as “prevent other from using your computer” and “be wary of pop-ups.”"

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