Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Federal Director of Nixon Library Named - Yahoo! News

Federal Director of Nixon Library Named - Yahoo! News: "A historian of the Cold War with expertise in presidential recordings has been selected as the first federal director of the Nixon presidential library.

Timothy Naftali, 44, who directs the presidential recordings program at the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs, will begin his new job Oct. 16, the National Archives and Records Administration announced Monday.

By then the library in Yorba Linda, Calif., should have completed its transition from private to public institution. The letter of offer formalizing the hand-over was transmitted to the House and Senate last Thursday, and must remain before Congress for 60 legislative days before the transfer is formally complete.

The Nixon library, built with private money in 1990 some 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles, has been the only presidential library not part of the National Archives system. That was because of a post-Watergate law mandating that Nixon's presidential records remain in the Washington, D.C., area. Lawmakers were afraid he would destroy documents necessary for the Watergate investigation."

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