Friday, August 11, 2006

Cites & Insights looks at library blogs

Looking at liblogs: the great middle ground (pdf):

from the article
My conclusions, such as they are, appear scattered throughout this long essay.

The major conclusion: As liblogs proliferate, they offer many more voices worth listening to. If you can’t find twenty or thirty blogs on this list that intrigue you enough to subscribe to, you either have a lot of feeds already or have narrow interests within the library field.

Given the broader scope of this year’s look, I can predict that some blogs will disappear or change (actually, one has already been declared closed and two
or three changed names since this study began—I even helped suggest the name in one case: …the thoughts are broken… is now Off the Mark).

I’ve heard enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that blog readership has grown quite a bit. That may reflect ease of use via aggregators (with people subscribing who’ve never heard of “RSS”); it may also reflect the quality of library-related blogs.

I cited the title of the post with the most comments for each blog that has any comments. What conclusions can be drawn from those titles? Other than the obvious—new jobs, marriage, graduation from library school, homebuying and other major life
events draw lots of comments—I’ll leave that exercise to others.

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