Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Okie book drama feature on BBW poster

Banned Book Week is fast approaching and ALA has all their material available for purchase.

There are three posters available for purchase an adult, young adult, and children's poster. All three have a circus theme and show challenged books in animal cages. The theme for this year is: "Read Banned Books: They are your ticket to freedom."

Greg, of SHUSH, pointed out that King and King is featured on ALA's children's poster this year.

Normally I wouldn't have issues with the books highlighted on ALA material for BBW. But I have to say, from a purely literary perspective, I'm disappointed King & King was selected to appear on the children's poster. And before either side gets up in arms please let me explain.

The adult poster contains the following text at the bottom:
See the terrifying and threatening "1984"
Marvel at the amazing "Invisible Man"

While the YA poster reads:
Wonder at the fearsome and terrifying "Iceman"
See the spectacular "Wizard of Oz"

Lastly the children's poster highlights:
Marvel at the threatening "Anastasia Krupnik"
View the breathtaking "King and King"

Aside from Iceman (which I haven't read) the other books listed on the posters are amazing works of literature. They are either classics or the authors have proven themselves to be respected and capable of writing material that will have a lasting affect. I'm not saying King and King isn't a good book but the author, Linda de Haan, isn't even in the same league as the author of Anastasia Krupnik, who is Louis Lowry.

ALA chose to use K&K for one reason -- to make a statement -- and they don't have to deal with the aftermath.

I'm disappointed that ALA went this route -- considering all the other books that are out there, with strong literary merit, that have been challenged and could have proven the dangers of censorship much more...Am I writing off Banned Book Week? No, I still believe that it's an important event to mark -- I'm just disappointed in ALA's judgment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree! I had this discussion with a library pal just yesterday.

In any event, I love banned books week. Can't wait to celebrate it at my library!