Friday, October 20, 2006

The other challenged books...

Everyone knows about the Oklahoma controversy concerning "the book that shall not be named". But what about all the other books that are challenged but don't get the Noon and 10:00pm news coverage? The Oklahoma Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee has an online form librarians, teachers, and interested persons can fill out to help them keep track of book challenges in the state.

These reports (with identifying information removed) are listed online back to 2002.

So far for 2006 the titles challenged are (insert drumroll):

Miriam's Well by Alice Bach. | Reason for challenge: Anti-Ethnic, Insensitivity, Sexism, Sex Education, Sexually Explicit, Unsuited to Age Group, Anti-Family and Offensive Language | Resolution: Retained in middle school.

Tom by Tomie DePaola | Reason for challenge: Insensitivity and Unsuited to Age Group. Content about killing animals (butcher shop) disturbing. | Resolution: Book remained on shelf in Elementary School.

What a Truly Cool World by Julius Lester |
Reason for challenge: Religious Viewpoint | Resolution: Book reviewed by committee. Book remains in elementary library collection

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank |
Reason for challenge: Religious viewpoint | Resolution: Superintendent and Principal met with English teacher to request book not be taught in the next school year after complaints by a parent concerning promoting Jewish religion.

All I Want is Everything by Cecily von Ziegerar |
Reason for challenge: Sexually Explicit and Unsuited to Age Group. | Resolution: Book retained in YA collection of public library.

Gossip Girls by Cecily von Ziegerar |
Reason for challenge: Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language and Drugs | Resolution: Voted 3 to 2 to keep the book on the shelf, but removed the AR quiz.

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