Yeah! Woo hoo! w00t!11!! even.
I received my Comic Book Legal Defense Fund membership card in the mail yesterday. I signed up at their ALA booth (which was next to Marvel and across from DC). My husband laughed at me when I opened the envelope and shrieked with delite -- but I think he was secretly jealous he didn't get a card too. The picture on this post is what the card looks like -- cool huh?
So what is the CBLDF? Well from their about page:
The CBLDF exists to fight censorship and defend the first amendment rights of comic book professionals throughout the United States. In the past five years, the CBLDF has raised over $200,000 to pay expenses related to defending freedom of speech and expression, and the battle continues. ...
In recent years, police and prosecutors around the country have decided to crack down on comics. For cartoonists and their readers, it's a dire threat. The work accused of being allegedly "harmful to adults" includes comics by the best cartoonists of our time: Robert Crumb, Frank Thorne, Jaime & Gilbert Hernandez, Reed Waller, and many others.
Is there really a need for the CBLDF? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. 1996 and 1997 were busy years at the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. The Planet Comics Case in Oklahoma City saw many tribulations between the bust in September of 1995 and the unfortunate end as the defendants accepted a plea to end their ordeal. Michael Diana lost his appeal to have his conviction as an "distribution of obscenity" overturned. Joe Lansdale, Tim Truman and Sam Glanzman found themselves having to defend against a suit by the Winter brothers for defamation and invasion of privacy ....
Want to know how to get a groovy card like mine? Try their membership page.
(btw -- I'm guessing the titles you read about in the Planet Comics Case would not be found in any library in Oklahoma...)
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