Friday, January 04, 2008

Almost on my way...

Well I'm gearing up for ALA Midwinter. I've never been to Philadelphia and I have a sneaking suspicion that January probably isn't the best time to experience all the city has to offer.
But since I'm only an "emerging leader" for ALA I don't have much say on the logic involved in conference locations. One nice thing is my group project doesn't really lend itself to a lot of outside work -- so perhaps it's not all bad.

Other than founding fathers type stuff the only other things I know about the city I learned from Trading Places . So any exciting things I should see while I'm in Philly?


Unknown said...

See, now, I slack off for a few months, miss a couple of your posts and BAM! Your an Emerging Leader. Congrats, that's awesome and I'm so jeolous you're going to Philly!

Isn't there something about steak sandwhiches with Philadelphia? Philly steak sandwich? I don't know, never been there either. Hope you have a good time and eat good food. :-)

Brian C. Gray said...

As LAMA's Web Coordinator, I eagerly wait to see how your group progresses. Good luck and congratulations!