Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Display idea from the Bartlesville Public Library

This past fall a devoted patron, Elizabeth Massey Overlees, passed away and left our library a sum of money to purchase books and magazines with. To honor her memory we wanted to make sure that we purchased items we knew she would like to read herself. The books have started to arrive and earlier this month we decided to display some of those titles. In order to create a complete display of all the book items that were purchased with Mrs. Overlees' money, our creative staff came up with a brilliant idea. Book covers for the Overlees collection were enlarged, printed in color, laminated then laid on the display unit. If a book had arrived and was in the collection, then it was placed on top of the picture, similar to what you would see at Blockbuster or some other movie rental store. The final result was a very eye-catching. It kind of makes me want to see all displays in libraries done like this. Not that I want to seem lazy or anything, but it would be a lot less upkeep when it comes to keeping displays full throughout the entire month.

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