Monday, February 25, 2008

Dewey Donation 2008

Looks like it's that time year of again - or at least the reminder someone sent me seems to indicate it.

What is the Dewey Donation?
After almost a year of research and planning, the Dewey Donation System is pleased to be up and running with not one, but two libraries in need, and a chance for you to help both big and small. (There is no small.)
Before we begin, we’d like to thank you for your help over the years. You’ve sent books and monetary donations to a library system rebuilding after Katrina, sent an entire village of children back to school after a Tsunami, helped restock shelves after wildfires ravaged San Diego’s public library system, and brought library assistance to the attention of communities and governments by helping Oakland’s library system get stronger and thrive....

So stop by their site and see how you can help out.

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