Sunday, May 16, 2004

COIL workshop on BI

COIL (Council for Oklahoma Information Literacy) will be having its first day-long COIL Workshop/BI Clinic on Friday, August 13 at OSU-Tulsa. It will feature approximately 6 20-minute demonstrations of instruction sessions on various topics from search strategy for OPACS to EBSCO to assessments taught by BI librarians from various institutions, and all will have a chance to discuss their methods, share strategies and ideas, and show and tell other hands-on techniques. This will give all a rare opportunity to see what actually goes on in a classroom, and hopefully give both participants and the audience some constructive ideas for how to improve their teaching styles and learn by seeing how others teach.

After the demos Dr. Cecelia Brown from OU-SLIS, who has been researching instruction and teaches BI courses in the MLIS program at OU, give a concluding talk on information literacy instruction and practice. The best part is that this workshop will be FREE, so you may also invite colleagues to attend as well. Visit the COIL website for more information

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