Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Legal Fiction | Alabama "Agency of Moral Cleansing"

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As many of you know Alabama has had a bill introduced that would "ban gay books" in the state. Here is an amusing take on the future ramifications of the legislation.

Legal Fiction:

Librarian: The Agency has prohibited the library from possessing Elton John albums.

Allen: So? Elton John is queerer than a three-dollar -

Chairman (interrupting): Two-dollar -

Allen: bill.

Librarian: I would argue that because Elton John came out in 1976 that all pre-1976 albums are excluded from the language of the statute.

Perkins: I strenuously object. It was obvious well before 1976 that Elton John violated public morals. I move to enter the following picture in the record.

Chairman: Motion granted.

Perkins: So I repeat my objection to Mr. Librarian's motion.

Chairman: Mr. Librarian, when was Tiny Dancer written?

Librarian: 1971.

Chairman: Objection overruled. The library may keep all pre-1976 albums. (whispering to Allen) I love that song. (back to panel) Next.

Could something like this be in store for Oklahoma?

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