Thursday, November 17, 2005 - Creating a Reader: "Books = Love + Fun"

Here are excerpts of an article about how to make your baby a reader. Short little article with some good info. - Creating a Reader: "Books = Love + Fun" :
During a child's first two years, the most important thing you can do to foster reading is fill a child with "warm interactions around age appropriate books that teach them the equation: books = love + fun," says Grover Whitehurst, a renowned reading specialist and Chairman of the Psychology Department at the State University of New York, Stony Brook.

~ books = love + fun didn't know there was going to math involved too did you? ;-)

Dr. Neil Bechervaise, a reading specialist at the University of Sydney in Australia, stresses the point that reading to your children and being a good reading model most likely go hand and hand. "Being a good reading model involves being a reader," he says, "which involves sharing what you read with others." Including babies and young children.

~ Ah teach by example then.

1. Read with your child almost every day.
2. Regularly listen to your child read to you.
3. Turn off the TV to read and help your child with homework.
4. Make sure your child often sees you reading newspapers, magazines, and books.
5. Read street signs with your child, write shopping lists or letters together, and play word games as a family.
6. Visit the library with your child.
7. Encourage your child to write lists, stories, and poems.
8. Find books to match your child's interests (cars, for example, or animals or pyramids).
9. Encourage your child to act out stories in plays or puppet shows with friends, brothers, or sisters.

~ And a simple little 9 step program. See having a child who is a reader is easy!

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