Friday, May 05, 2006

Aria Database

Found this via Metafilter

The Aria Database
The Aria Database is a diverse collection of information on over 1000 operatic arias. Designed for singers and non-singers alike, the Database includes translations and aria texts of most arias as well as a collection of MIDI files of operatic arias and ensembles.

You can search by arias, operas, composers, and roles. I tried a composer search for wagner and got 83 hits. The results information displays as follows

Du kennest jenen stillen Ort (O, eile, Freund)
from Act I, Scene 1 of the German opera, Das Liebesverbot by Richard Wagner
Libretto : Richard Wagner, adapted from Shakespeare's Measure for Measure

  • Role : Claudio, a young nobleman
  • Voice Part : tenor
  • Setting : in front of Danieli's tavern in a suburb of Palermo, Sicily, 16th century
  • Range : E3 to B5. Tessitura : G3 to G4
  • Synopsis : Claudio has been arrested for breaking the new law against fornication and other immoral activities. If convicted, he will be sentenced to death. As he is being dragged away, he calls out to his friend Luzio to hurry to the convent where his sister Isabella is cloistered. He believes that only Isabella will be able to help him.
  • Sound file : none
  • Translation and/or Aria Text : Libretto entered from OperaGlass.
  • Recordings : Complete Opera Excerpts from Opera
  • Where to Find It : Buy complete score online at Sheet Music Plus.

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