This article is making big noise in the blogosphere so I thought I would share it with you. With statements like:
In a society where everyone's basic needs for health care, housing, education, clean air and water, meaningful work , creative expression, and open space are not met, the historical model of the public library, open to all, is under siege. Critics say it's a crisis that mirrors a larger one rooted in the failures of capitalism and perhaps democracy itself.
One obstacle, writes library advocate Ed D'Angelo..., is that policy makers increasingly view public libraries as 'an inessential social service for the unemployed or even as frivolous entertainment.'
Another form of de facto censorship can be traced to the computer, a machine that's usually celebrated for letting knowledge free. As more people come to the libraries for Internet access, more money goes to buying new workstations, often at the expense of magazines and books.
is it any surprise people are talking? But not all is lost--the author does list things you can do to help save the peoples universities.
If you can't get the pdf to pull up via the link be sure to visit your local library and read it in print!