Saturday, January 28, 2006

Alva Review/Courier | No More 'Mr. Nice Guy'

Alva Review/Courier | No More 'Mr. Nice Guy' Freedom of Information Board OKs Litigation
: "Other items the FOI board members discussed included legislative bills filed for the upcoming session.

FOI members from the Oklahoma Library Board expressed dismay at HB2158 which ties state funding to placement of material some consider offensive within the library itself.

Some of the wording of the proposed bill would require libraries to place material containing homosexual or sexual content in rooms totally inaccessible to children, preferably in a locked room.

In stating their opposition to the bill, the representatives said the legislation is an attempt to force the libraries to monitor children's reading materials, relieving the parents of that responsibility.

Tying that to libraries' state funding places an undue burden on these public facilities, the librarians said.

'It's a common opinion in law enforcement that if you're looking for the bad people, you can usually find them in the library reading books,' Attorney General Edmondson said facetiously. "

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